Map of the Centre François Baclesse
Centre François Baclesse
3 avenue général Harris
14000 Caen
Tel. switchboard: +33(0)2 31 45 50 50
How to get here
How to get to the Centre
The Centre’s GPS Coordinates
- Latitude: 49°12’13.26″ N
- Longitude: 0°21’11.67″ O
Download the map of the Centre François Baclesse
From the Caen city bypass
Cherbourg>Paris: Take exit No. 5 and follow signs to the ‘CHU Côte de Nacre’, then the ‘Centre François Baclesse’.
Paris>Cherbourg: Take exit No. 4.1
The entrance to the visitors’ car park is located in Allée de la Recherche (between the Caen general hospital (CHU) and the Avenue Général Harris).
The visitors’ car park (P10) is subject to a fee after 1 hour and 30 minutes. Refer to the P10 car park fee schedule. Visitors with individual medical transport prescriptions can benefit from reimbursement of their parking fees from their Social Security regime.
Parking spaces for physically-impaired visitors are located on either side of the stairs leading to the main entrance to the Centre.
The lift to the main hallway is located at the foot of the stairs leading to the main entrance to the centre, on the left.
The Centre is located on the TWISTO public bus service network:
The following tram lines stop in the vicinity of the Centre François Baclesse:
- Tram T1: Stop ‘Cité U Lebisey’
- Tram T2: Stop ‘CHU’
The following bus lines stop in the vicinity of the Centre François Baclesse:
- Lines 5, 6A-6B, 8: Stop ‘Baclesse’
- Lines 8, 12, 22 and 124: Stop ‘Harris’
The Centre is also located within the NOMAD public transport network:
- Lines 3, 4, 6: Stop ‘Mont Coco’
Drop-off point for taxis, ambulances and other medical vehicles
On the Centre’s north facade, there is a ramp reserved for use by taxis, ambulances and medical vehicles. It offers access to a covered entrance for dropping off patients.
Parking for taxis, ambulances and other medical vehicles
Specific parking zones are located:
- Next to the covered entrance, on the Centre’s north facade
- In the visitors’ car park, after the Centre’s main entrance
Parking for taxis and other medical vehicles
Taxis and other medical vehicles may also park on the raised parking area to the right of the delivery entrance. This parking area is reserved for light vehicles.
How to reach the Centre from the SNCF railway station in Caen
By tram:
- Inside the station, take the exit indicated ‘Place de la Gare‘.
- Then head for the first tram platform next to the station and take Tram T1 –
get off at the stop ‘Cité U Lébisey‘. - Otherwise, you can take the exit indicated ‘Parking‘.
- To the rear of the station, take Tram T2 at the ‘Gare-Rives de l’Orne’ stop –
get off at the stop ‘CHU‘.
Journey time: Tram 20 minutes + 5-minute walk
By taxi:
- The railway station taxi rank is located on the left at the front exit.
Caen – Carpiquet airport
The airport is located within the small town of Carpiquet, 8km to the west of Caen.
From Caen – Carpiquet airport:
- Take the bus Line 3 to IFS Jean Vilar,
- Get off at the stop ‘Théâtre‘,
- Then take the bus Line 5 to Hérouville St Clair – Sphère
- Get of at the stop ‘Baclesse‘
Journey time: approximately 45 minutes
Further information:
Deauville – Saint Gatien airport
This airport is located 9km from Deauville and 50km from Caen.
- At the taxi rank in front of the airport
- Contact the Taxis Deauville-Trouville office: +33(0)2 31 87 11 11
Shuttle service provided for passengers on Ryanair flights:
- Airport shuttle to the SNCF railway station in Deauville.
- Book via the airport switchboard: +33(0)2 31 65 65 65
Further information:
Deliveries are to be made to the Centre’s storeroom:
- From Monday to Friday, from 7am to 1pm
- Tel. +33(0)2 31 45 50 68