Your discharge

sortie principale du Centre Baclesse
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Your discharge is prepared in close association with yourself, your close circle or carers. Healthcare professionals take into account your environmental and social living conditions to best prepare your discharge. A project designed to continue your care outside the centre will be proposed.

Liaison letter upon discharge

This project is handed over to you in person and is also sent to your general practitioner (unless you object). It provides a summary of your care during your hospitalisation.

Discharge procedures

They are looked after in the unit in which you are hospitalised. The unit nurse will provide you with all the necessary documents for your continued care and monitoring.

When you leave, and on your request, a hospital dishcarge summary can be provided by the department where you were hospitalised. It also serves as medical leave of absence throughout your stay in hospital.


If you do not have medical insurance, or if your insurance company has no agreement with the François Baclesse Centre, you will be required to pay at the Bureau des Entrées:

  • the daily hospital charge,
  • the patient’s contribution for your hospital stay.

Continuing care

Should you require continued complex care at home or in a different healthcare establishment, specific teams are there to offer their expertise. They organise your care based on your personal situation, in partnership with community carers, service providers, care networks or through home-based care.

Our social work department can advise on eligibility for home help. You can contact them at: +33(0)2 31 45 86 46 or +33(0)2 31 45 40 02

Patient satisfaction survey

To improve the quality of service and care offered to patients, our establishment actively contributes to the national survey to measure the satisfaction of hospitalised patients, called: e-Satis.

At the end of your stay, you will be invited by e-mail to voice your opinion on the quality of your care via a totally anonymous on-line questionnaire.

You can also choose to complete the printed satisfaction questionnaire provided by the nursing team.

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