- Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm
- Telephone: +33(0)2 31 45 51 67
- E-mail:
The unit’s missions
At the Centre François Baclesse, around 1,700 blood products were transfused in 2019. They include transfusion of red blood cells, platelets and plasma. With the transfused patient’s optimal safety at heart, the haemovigilance unit works in close collaboration with the Etablissement Français du Sang (Blood Transfusion Centre) and with Regional Haemovigilance Coordinators.
The Haemovigilance Unit
Comprised of a head nurse in charge of haemovigilance, a referent physician in haemovigilance and his/her substitute, the role of the haemovigilance unit is to ensure the safety of the blood transfusion process, from the medical prescription to patient transfusion and even beyond. The unit’s activities cover three major themes: management and traceability of transfusion activities, prevention of transfusion-related risks, training and continuing education for healthcare professionals.
The haemovigilance unit is also actively involved in the Normandy Haemovigilance Network (ReNoH).
The Transfusion Safety and Haemovigilance Committee (TSHC)
The TSHC is comprised of representatives from various instituts and of the Centre François Baclesse. It is the garantor of the correct application of transfusion safety at the Centre François Baclesse and meets twice yearly. It monitors the implementation of regulatory haemovigilance rules and procedures and is in charge of coordinating haemovigilance action engaged within the healthcare establishment.
The Haemovigilance Steering Committee
Comprised of a nurse from each department within which blood transfusions are performed and of the haemovigilance unit, the steering committee meets once monthly to report on operational problems encountered within hospital departments, to analyse them and to draft operating procedures for transfusion. It monitors the dissemination and application of good transfusion practice within healthcare departments.
The team
- Hémovigilance
Fonctions exercées au CFB
- Médecin correspondant d’hémovigilance
Domaines d’expertise
- DU insuffisance circulatoire aigüe
- Diplôme de formation des correspondants d’hémovigilance – niveau 2
- Intérêt particulier pour la nutrition péri-opératoire, l’anesthésie loco-régionale
au Centre François Baclesse :
- Cours aux internes en médecine sur la transfusion
- Cours aux internes de chirurgie sur la nutrition péri-opératoire
Au niveau local et régional :
- Coordination de la formation DPC “Sensibilisation à l’oncosexualité”
Membre de…
Au Centre François Baclesse :
- Membre du Staff d’anesthésie
Au niveau national :
- Membre de la Société Française de Vigilance en Thérapeutiques Transfusionnelles (SFVTT)
Research themes / Projects
- Finalisation of the computerisation of transfusion files: receipt of computerised results from the EFS – Blood Transfusion Centre (blood groups and irregular antibody tests), computerised transmission of the prescription for blood products
- Personalised blood management: approach focusing on the patient to reduce risks associated with anaemia, bleeding and transfusion, developed in partnership with all Centre François Baclesse physicians
- Paramedical continuing education: continuing education programme on transfusion, integrating healthcare simulation modules
Dispensed training
- Initial training: training for medical interns at the start of each semester.
- Continuing education:
- training for each new nurse arriving at the Centre François Baclesse.
- Medical Newsletter on transfusion, monthly haemovigilance news flash for nurses.