Operational hygiene team

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The unit’s missions

The operational hygiene team’s mission involves the prevention and management of infectious risk.

The aim is to avoid the development of healthcare-related infections, whether they are associated with the environment or with the dispensing of care.

To do so, the operational hygiene team plays a role of expertise serving the establishment’s management department, department heads and associated professionals, to ensure that the risk of infection is controlled at all levels and in all sectors.

The team fulfils this role in several ways:

  • in collaboration with care departments via the provision of good practice protocols,
  • in collaboration with technical departments to guarantee that the environment conforms to regulations pertaining to healthcare,
  • through training for professionals and students,
  • through evaluation of implemented action.

The team

  • Manager:  Dr Anne Canivet-Thomassin, pharmacist-hygienist
  • Hygiene nurse: Catherine Duval
  • Radiation technician – hygienist: Catherine Huynh

Dispensed training

In 2019, a total of 687 of the Centre’s professionals benefited from at least one training course in the prevention of infectious risk, for a total of 1,411 hours of training.

  • Initial training:
    • Medical students (externs): 49
    • New medical interns: 36
    • Nursing or nursing auxiliary students: 54
  • Continuing education:
    • New arrivals: 45
    • Other professionals: 503
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