These pages include all useful information for healthcare professionals.
Our care offer
Access to the ‘Physician portal’
The physician portal is a secure web interface enabling private practitioners, hospital practitioners or home-based practitioners, access, in real time, to their patients’ medical files if they are jointly cared for at the Centre François Baclesse.
The physician portal enables the referring practitioner to:
- View the patient’s care at the Centre on one page, with 100% of the information contained in his/her medical file, in real time and without filters:
- consultation reports, examination results, hospitalisation reports
- patient appointments,
- prescriptions,
- pathology, biology and imaging (images included) results,
- MDT and PPS decision
- external documents provided to the Centre by the patient,
- GP information and questions
- Export reports to integrate them in their own software,
- Copy prescriptions to integrate them in their own prescriptions,
- Send information and ask questions on their patient’s healthcare.
To access the ‘Physician portal’, please forward a written request to specifying your:
- First name and Surname
- Landline in your surgery or department through which you can be contacted
- RPPS Number
- Name of your healthcare establishment, if applicable.
Your access codes will be provided by phone by the Centre’s IT department. You can change them at your own convenience. A 5-minute introduction by phone will also be proposed to help you find your way through the Physician portal.
Apicrypt: secure e-mail addresses
External healthcare professionals can send us e-mails to exchange medical information with a Centre physician through our two secure e-mail addresses, under Apicrypt:
- If you are a private healthcare professional, use the following e-mail:
- If you are a hospital-based healthcare professional, use the following e-mail:
Ongoing clinical trials / Patient referral
- Consult ongoing clinical trials at the Centre François Baclesse
- How to refer a patient to the Centre François Baclesse
Managing targeted therapy toxicity with the THECITOX application
THECITOX, a Normandy-based work group on managing the toxicity of targeted therapies, reunites experts in medical oncology, cardiology nephrology, endocrinology, gastroenterology and dermatology, in an aim to establish recommendations for the prevention and management of toxicities induced by the most frequently used targeted molecules on the market.
The Normandy-based THECITOX* work group has designed a synthetic application for use by physicians that offers a practical guide for the day-to-day management of the principal toxicities encountered with these targeted therapies. It is regularly updated in line with available scientific data.