Home News Implementation of the health pass at the François Baclesse Comprehensive Cancer Centre as from 9 August 2021

Implementation of the health pass at the François Baclesse Comprehensive Cancer Centre as from 9 August 2021

18 Aug. 2021

Screening for access into the center
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In application of the Law of August 6, 2021 relating to the management of the health crisis.

What proof do I need to have a valid health pass?

It is necessary to:

  • present a vaccination certificate proving a complete vaccination, or
  • be in a medically justified recovery situation, or
  • present a medical certificate of contraindication to vaccination against Covid-19, or
  • Present a negative nasal RT-PCR screening result of less than 72 hours (or a saliva test performed in the laboratory if the nasopharyngeal RT-PCR test is not possible).

For patients

Patients admitted in emergency are not subject to the requirements of the health pass. All other patients admitted for scheduled care are subject to the provisions of the law. They must present their health pass at the screening checkpoints set up at the entrance to the Center.

For accompanying persons and visitors

In accordance with the law, accompanying persons and visitors must present their health pass when entering a hospital, with the aim of protecting health.

These provisions apply at the Centre François Baclesse. Therefore the screening checkpoints will be set up at the entrance of the building during the week of August 9. During this week, visitors and persons accompanying not providing certificates and test results will be reminded of the need to comply with the law for health security and public health purposes, but their access to the Center will be exceptionally allowed.

Protective measures: remain mandatory inside the Centre

Even with a valid health pass, abidance by protective measures remains mandatory. In other words:

  • Wearing a mask: surgical type (to be changed every 4 hours).
  • Rubbing hands with sanitising gel.
  • Social distancing: at least 1 metre.

Do you have a COVID-19 symptom?

If you are a patient at the François Baclesse Comprehensive Cancer Centre WITH symptoms AND you have an appointment at the Centre within the next fortnight, even if you are vaccinated.

BEFORE you come, take a PCR virology test,

Inform the department where you are cared for at the Centre of the result. One of the Centre doctors will inform you on what steps to take.

For safety reasons, visitors and accompanying persons with a COVID-19 symptom (fever or feverish sensation, cough, headache, fatigue, sore throat, lost of taste or smell) are not authorised to enter the establishment.

Accompanying a patient:

  • NO ACCOMPANIERS with patients during their chemotherapy session (except for medical reasons
  • In all other situations: only 1 Person accompanying authorized per patient.

Provisions concerning ambulance drivers

  1. The ambulance drivers accompany patients requiring care in to the ward,
  2. Then they must leave the ward and wait outside the building,
  3. They are allowed to join the patient in the ward when they are called for his/her return.

Visits to hospitalised patients

  • Visits are permitted every day, from 1pm to 8pm in hospitalisation departments.
  • EXCEPT in the protected zone on the 7th floor: NO VISITS PERMITTED.

For safety and hygiene reasons within the context of the pandemic: – Mask wearing is mandatory in bedrooms, – In single rooms: maximum 2 visitors simultaneously, – In double rooms: 1 visitor per patient simultaneously.

  • Reopening of Family lounges on hospitalisation floors, with abidance by a maximum number of people present in the room.
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