The clinical research department

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Boasting over 20 years of experience, the Centre François Baclesse clinical research department has progressively been structured and professionalised, with currently over thirty professionals specifically devoted to this activity.


  • Scientific and Clinical Research Director: Prof. Florence Joly
  • Secretaries – Tel: +33(0)2 31 45 50 02

Our activities

The finality of such a structure is to propose patients from the region and/or inter-regional area with access to therapeutic innovation in conditions that offer the utmost in safety and quality, and to evaluate new diagnostic methods or the impact of existing treatment on patient quality of life. It also enables the acquisition of the new scientific knowledge that is necessary for medical progress and improved care.

The CFB’s clinical research department reunites, under the same management, promotion and investigation activities, in close operational collaboration with the hospital pharmacy, for the dispensing of experimental products.

  • Throughout the entire research protocol’s life (from design to publication of results), the Promotion Unit offers the centre’s investigators methodological, editorial, logistic and administrative support.
  • Thanks to its multidisciplinary team (physicians, clinical research associates, nurses, medical assisants), the Investigation unit  ensures management and care for patients included in therapeutic trials proposed by the pharmaceutical industry, by cooperation or academic groups, in accordance with regulatory and specific protocol requirements.

Naturally, the clinical research department would not be able to accomplish its mission without close collaboration with the centre’s investigating physicians and all clinical and medico-technical departments. The DRCI (directorate for clinical research and innovation) can also count on a high-performance technical platform (MRI, CT scan, radiotherapy platform, pharmacy, tumour bank, molecular biology platform, etc.).

Our results

Dynamic research serving patients

Over 150 clinical trials per year

Over 20 clinical trials promoted by the centre per year

Over 500 patients included in clinical trials per year

Our ‘Excellence in the field of clinical research’ labels

INCa CLIP² early phase centre certification

Since 2010 and for the third time running, the French National Cancer Institute has renewed (in 2019) its confidence in our teams, via the continuation of its CLIP² ‘Certified centre for early phase trials in adult oncology’ certification. This certification, awarded to France’s sixteen best centres with the capacity to conduct early stage clinical trials in oncology is of great benefit to Normandy-based patients, for it offers them access to therapeutic innovation. Our CLIP² 2019-2024 certification is the result of collaboration between our clinical research unit and two partner sites: the Lower Normandy Haematology Institute (IHBN) and the haematology department at the Henri Becquerel Cancer Centre in Rouen.

AFNOR ISO 9001:2015 certification

Since March 2017, the entire clinical research perimeter is certified ISO 9001:2015. This internationally renowned standard guarantees for all, patients, physicians, academic and industrial partners alike, a high level of quality and safety in the organisation of clinical trials.

DRCI (Directorate for Clinical Research and Innovation) label

Obtained in 2012, the DRCI label offers the Centre François Baclesse the possibility to respond to calls for proposals from the French Ministry of Health with regards to academic research.

Coordination of the StARCC project at North-Western France inter-regional level

Thanks to its extensive experience in clinical research the Centre François Baclesse is currently coordinating the GIRCI Nord-Ouest StARCC project for ‘Structuring Clinical Research Activities in Oncology’.


  • At regional level: GIRCI-NO, OncoNormandie network, CHRU – Caen, Centre Henri Becquerel – Rouen, Cancéropôle NO
  • At national level: INCa, Unicancer, Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer, INSERM, CNRS, ARCAGY-GINECO, GFPC, IFCT, GORTEC, GETUG, ANOCEF….
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