ORGAPRED is a University of Caen, Normandy platform, hosted by the Centre François Baclesse within the Inserm U1086 ANTICIPE research unit.

The team
The team is closely linked with the Inserm U1086 ANTICIPE unit which provides the platform with a share of its staff.
- Scientific management: Laurent Poulain and Louis-Bastien Weiswald (researchers)
- Operational team:
- Research engineer: Jérémie Le Goff
- Temporary Research and Teaching Assistant: Romane FLORENT
- Assistant engineer: Lucie Decouflet
- Study engineer: Guillaume Desmartin
The platform is open to all professional users (academic and industrial) wishing to make use of available tumoroids or to establish new tumoroid lines. Tumoroids are three-dimensional multicell structures obtained from patient tumour samples and which faithfully reproduce the histological and molecular characteristics of the tumour from which they originate.

The platform accompanies researchers and clinicians in the implementation of protocols aimed at using tumour samples to produce these tumoroids, and/or to use them for the purposes of clinical or fundamental research. Hence, it ensures the production, conservation and treatment of the obtained organoids. ORGAPRED works in partnership with other platforms on certain aspects of molecular tumoroid characterisation and/or the evaluation of their response to treatment (in particular the ImpedanCELL platform for real-time cellular imaging).
Proposed services include:
- the production of tumoroids
- their conservation
- the compilation of associated biological collections
- their histological and molecular characterisation
- and evaluation of their response to treatment

The ORGAPRED platform also proposes training activities on a request basis, for scientific professionals (technicians, engineers, PhD students and researchers) from academic or private laboratories wishing to train in tumoroid production, treatment or analysis protocols.

Technical resources
The platform boasts heavy and semi-heavy equipment enabling the production, treatment and high-throughput analysis of tumoroids:
- dedicated culture robot: MicroLab Starline platform (Hamilton)
- 3D real-time cellular imaging station: CellDiscoverer 7 (Zeiss)
- CellRad irradiator (Faxitron)