ARCHADE programme

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European centre for research and treatment in hadrontherapy


  • ARCHADE programme scientific coordinator:
BALOSSO Jacques, Pr
BALOSSO Jacques, Pr
Médecin : Oncologue radiothérapeute

Pathologies / Spécialités

  • Radiothérapie
  • Protonthérapie

Fonctions exercées au CFB

  • Oncologue radiothérapeute
  • Chef de service de Radiothérapie
  • Coordinateur scientifique d’ARCHADE

Domaines d’expertise

  • Hadronthérapie,
  • Cancérologie digestive,
  • Radiobiologie clinique


Au Centre François Baclesse :

  • Enseignement du Diplôme d’Etudes Spécialisées (DES) de radiothérapie

Au niveau régional et national :

  • Cours sur la radiothérapie pour l’Université de Caen
  • Cours aux Masters 2 de Radioprotection et M2 de Physique médicale à l’Université de Grenoble

Membre de…

Au Centre François Baclesse :

  • l’UCP Digestive
  • le staff de Protonthérapie

Au niveau national :

  • la SFRO (société française de radiothérapie oncologique)

Au niveau international :

  • du réseau ENLIGHT (European Network for Light Ion Therapy)
  • l’European Particle Therapy Network (NPTN)
BALOSSO Jacques, Pr
Proton therapy
02 31 24 34 48
Outpatient consultations
+33(0)2 31 45 50 20

Research activity

In Normandy, there has been an internationally renowned nuclear physics research centre since 1983: the GANIL (National Heavy Ion Accelerator). More recently, an integrated scientific programme on hadrontherapy was implemented in a voluntarist impetus by regional authorities and university / scientific institutions – the ARCHADE programme.

The ARCHADE programme reunites research, care and tecnological innovation in hadrontherapy within the same site. Hadrontherapy is a form of radiotherapy, using proton beams and accelerated ions to treat radioresistant tumours.

With support from the Normandy Regional Council, this programme is integrated within an array of facilities and fundamental and applied research teams in the fields of physics (atomic physics, medical physics, radiobiology, etc.).

Through its investment in the project, the Normandy Regional Council is resolutely committed towards the development of physics applications for health and of the first research centre to be endowed with a unique superconducting cyclotron prototype.

Research teams are hosted in order to develop their work, thanks to the accessible laboratories and beams offered by the centre, which is housed within the SAS CYCLHAD building.

The project, on video:

Collaborations can be envisaged within the framework of bilateral cooperation agreements:

  • Short induction training (4 to 6 months) for Master’s Degree students in science
  • Complete 3-year doctoral cycle
  • Professional training placements for medical and paramedical professionals in proton therapy, for 6 months or more
  • Short stays for scientific teams conducting intensive experimental research
  • Lecturer-researcher exchanges, etc.

Reseach themes concerned:

  • Dosimetry, radioprotection
  • Ion fragmentation, radiochemistry
  • Treatment modelling
  • Beamology, on-line quality control
  • Radiobiology of tumours and healthy tissue
  • Molecular diagnostics
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Cancer epidemiology
  • Clinical research in oncology

Technical resources

  • Superconductor cyclotron capable of accelerating different types of ions


The ARCHADE programme’s principal partnerships are:

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