For whom?
For patients suffering from cancer, not cared for at the Centre François Baclesse, and who present with symptoms associated with cancer or its treatment.
What type of consultation?
Support care consultations are ensured by doctors from the Centre François Baclesse support care department at the Pôle de Santé Saint-Laurent healthcare centre, following referral by the patient’s general practitioner or consulting specialist:
- Overall support care evaluation consultation
- Pain consultation
- Mesotherapy consultation
- Auriculotherapy consultation
- Oncosexuality consultation
Patients with a referral letter can make an appointment from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, by calling: +33(0)2 31 45 86 80 (the Centre François Baclesse secretarial department specifically assigned to Saint-Laurent healthcare centre consultations). In order to initiate your patient file and to obtain an appointment, please previously provide the secretarial department with a photocopy of:
- both sides of your Carte Vitale social security card
- front page of your private medical insurance card
- both sides of your formal identification card
- letter from the referring physician
- name of your general practitioner
- patient’s current address
Pôle Santé Saint-Laurent 7-9 rue saint Laurent 14000 CAEN