Oncogenetics department

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Outpatient consultations

  • Opening hours: You can make an appointment from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm.
  • Oncogenetic consultations – telephone: +33(0)2 31 45 51 65
  • For healthcare professionals: secure e-mail address: oncogenetique.cmca.baclesse@apicrypt.fr
  • Location: oncogenetic department, ground floor

Department missions

Oncogenetic consultations enable families at risk, whatever the type of cancer, to benefit from genetic analysis, if the indication is confirmed, and to adapt monitoring based on the presence of a potential hereditary predisposition and on family history.

The team

  • Head of department:  Dr Pascaline Berthet
  • Supervisor: Céline Heude
  • Physicians: Dr Pascaline Berthet, Dr Pierre Devulder, Dr Zoé Nevière
  • Genetics counsellors: Elodie Cosset, Joris Salomon
  • Oncogenetic assistant: Manuella Levilly
  • Secretaries: Caroline Allaire, Katie Goubin

Healthcare offer and expertise

An oncogenetic consultation can be requested based on any unusual personal and/or family history of cancer, for example early diagnosed cancers, multiple cancers in the same family, etc.

The indication for genetic analysis is confirmed after an initial assessment consultation (teleconsultation) and after agreement from the person concerned.

Genetic analysis, if the indication is confirmed, can then help determine whether there is a hereditary predisposition to cancer, then to identify the family members concerned and, whatever the result, to organise adapted monitoring, in line with national recommendations.

The Oncogenetics team is comprised of doctors specialised in oncogenetics and genetics counsellors, and works in close collaboration with oncologists, biologists, radiologists and all specialised physicians concerned. Psychological support is systematically proposed. We also work in partnership with other oncogenetics departments in France, and are actively involved in research in the field.

Activity results

IN 2021, requests for oncogenetic expertise were on a constant increase with the extension of therapeutic indications based on the potential presence of certain genetic mutations.

Number of consultations by pathology:

  • 1,676 consultations for breast/ovary syndromes,
  • 493 consultations for digestive pathologies,
  • 119 consultation for urological cancers,
  • 58 consultations for multiple endocrine neoplasia,
  • 9 consultations for nervous system neoplasia.

Research themes / Projects

The department contributes towards research protocols in oncogenetics, both at national and international level. The main themes include:

  • Risk assessment and study of modifier genes.
  • Interpretation of genetic variants.
  • Monitoring of individuals at risk.
  • Development of research in association with specific therapies.


  • At local level: the centre’s molecular genetics laboratory, pathology department, tumour bank and the GENECAN platform.
  • At national level: Unicancer’s Genetics and Cancer group and learned societies.
  • At international level: International consortiums

Dispensed training

  • Initial training: Participation in specialised higher education teaching.
  • Continuing education: for specialised and general practitioners.

Further information


Oncogentics in 3 minutes: introduction Oncogentics in 3 minutes: testing for predisposition https://youtu.be/CtCV_hEkWIQ Oncogenetics in 3 minutes: why conduct genetic testing in certain situations and not others? https://youtu.be/2r2SP7fJmvY Oncogenetics in 3 minutes: targeted testing in family members https://youtu.be/XG0jhdITXBg Oncogenetics in 3 minutes: breast and ovarian cancer predisposition https://youtu.be/VjW7YoOncrg Oncogenetics in 3 minutes: incidence data https://youtu.be/NJQyyM0vLBo Oncogenetics in 3 minutes: theranostic tests
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