Oncology aesthetics and self-image counselling

Home Care offer Oncology aesthetics and self-image counselling
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Outpatient consultations

Consultations are exclusively by prior appointment.


  • Opening hours: from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
  • Telephone: +33(2) 31 45 40 02
  • Location: 4th floor ‘Consultations et Ateliers’ (on your left as you leave the lift)


Oncology aesthetics and self-image counselling contribute towards improving the global quality of life of patients by offering comfort and well-being and by improving self-image and self-esteem. • Oncology aesthetics includes specific beauty care adapted to suit cancer treatment and its side effects. • Self-image councelling helps patients to cope with the body changes brought by disease and its treatment, thanks to advice on body and beauty care, make-up and colour-coding (choosing the best colours to suit complexion).

Upon the patient’s request, or that of his/her private circle or healthcare professionals within the centre, such care is dispensed in the beauty salon located on the 4th floor or at the patient’s bedside. It is available for: • patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, • patients who are hospitalised, prior to or after surgery, during chemotherapy or radiotherapy, • patients in palliative care.

Healthcare offer

Beauty care and self-image counselling are dispensed at the Centre François Baclesse beauty salon (4th floor, left) or at the patient’s bedside. Such care is available for:

  • outpatients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy,
  • hospitalised patients, prior to or after surgery, and during chemotherapy or radiotherapy,
  • patients in palliative care.

The team

  • Isabelle Le Flem, nursing auxiliary, beautician and self-image counsellor
  • Catherine Le Brun, beautician and self-image counsellor


In 2019:

  • 886 beauty care sessions
  • 182 patients benefited from self-image counselling
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