Auriculotherapy is a form of complementary medicine based on reflex zones located on the outer ear. Provoking no notable side effects, it can be proposed for a range of symptoms associated with cancer care and its treatment. (Hot flushes, hyposialia (dry mouth), taste and smell disorders, nausea, vomitting, anxiety, etc.). Treatment is adapted to suit each patient, based on the symptom to be addressed.
This technique consists in placing small sterile and disposable needles on specific points on the ear, which represent different parts of the body. These semi-permanent needles, referred to as ASP needles, remain in place for a few days then fall off spontaneously.
For patients cared for at the Centre François Baclesse, auriculotherapy is proposed:
- on medical or paramedical prescription.
- in individual consultations.
Ongoing clinical trial at the Centre François Baclesse : Auriculotherapy in pain management for patients under anti-aromatase treatment (Triple A Study)
Mesotherapy is a form of complementary medicine used to treat pain induced after surgery or radiotherapy, in particular after lymph node dissection. It is also used to treat pain associated with muscle stiffness.
This technique uses injectable medicines which are administered to the skin around painful zones. This can sometimes be completed by superficial micro-injections.
Mesotherapy can be associated with all other medicinal treatments and has few side effects or contraindications, including for polymedicated patients.
For patients cared for at the Centre François Baclesse, mesotherapy is proposed:
- on medical or paramedical prescription.
- in individual consultations.
Consulting physician
- Dr Virginie Leloup-Morit, physician
Outpatient consultations
Consultations are exclusively by prior appointment.
- Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
- Telephone: +33(0)2 31 45 40 02
- Location: 4th floor ‘Consultations et Ateliers’ (on your left as you leave the lift)