Nutrition and diet

Home Care offer Nutrition and diet
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Outpatient consultations

Consultations are exclusively by prior appointment.


  • Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
  • Telephone: +33(0)2 31 45 40 02
  • Location: 4th floor ‘Consultations et Ateliers’ (on your left as you leave the lift)


At the centre, nutritional care for patients is ensured by the Mobile Health and Nutrition Team, comprised of doctors and dieticians. The team’s missions include prevention, screening and dietary care and counselling. Particular attention is paid to undernutrition, which leads to:

  • Reduced immunity and increased risk of infection,
  • A modification in response and tolerance to cancer treatment with an unfavourable impact on patient prognosis,
  • Emotional impact that can lead to depression,
  • Physical weakening with the risk of falls and physical dependence,
  • Poor wound healing and cell repair.

The Mobile Health and Nutrition Team looks after:

  • Undernourished patients or those at risk of undernourishment,
  • Implementation and monitoring of artificial nutrition: enteral nutrition (through a feeding tube) and parenteral nutrition (through an intravenous drip),
  • Patients treated for localised breast cancer, over group information sessions on balanced diet.

Healthcare offer

The Mobile Health and Nutrition Team proposes:

  • Medical nutrition and diet consultations following medical or nursing prescription, or at the patient’s request
  • Group information sessions on balanced diet for patients treated for localised breast cancer.

LINK WITH EXTERNAL CARE PROVIDERS Patients can later be referred to: > The Oncodiets network of external dieticians trained in oncology, in particular for individual guidance on weight gain in senology: www.nutritionclinique.frThe Normandy therapeutic patient education platform  – Planeth Patient –  which proposes a TPE programme for patients presenting with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and/or obesity:

The team

  • Dr Sylvie Khan, nutritionist physician, coordinator of the Mobile Health and Nutrition Team (Chair of the Food and Nutrition Liaison Committee)
  • Cloé Blouet, dietician
  • Marion Bourette-Nouvelle, dietician
  • Rozenn Coulombier, dietician
  • Lucie Lemoine, dietician
  • Virginie Lepeltier, coordinating dietician
  • Pauline Marie, dietician
  • Aurélie Pouppeville, dietician
  • Delphine Vernier, dietician
  • Dr Stéphane Corbinais, hepato-gastro-enterologist

Research and publications

  • SPOC – Handgrip study: ancillary study to the SPOC study (Dr Rambeau) on nutritional parameters (Chloé Joyaux)


  • At regional level:
    • Oncodiet network, OncoNormandie network, Resclan, PETAL, CICOG, Planeth patients
  • At national level:
    • InterClan: health network commission; participation in the Interclan survey following national recommendations on standard diet and therapeutic diet in hospital settings.


Initial training

  • Lectures for medical interns and externs
  • Lectures at the university department of medicine and health: Cancer and nutrition

Continuing education

  • ‘Optimising cancer care’ training course for centre staff
  • Participation in the ‘Monitoring patients under anti-cancer treatment: digestive toxicity workshop’ training course at the centre
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Social work department Contents Psycho-oncology
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