Social work department

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Outpatient consultations

Consultations are exclusively by prior appointment.


  • Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
  • Telephone: +33(0)2 31 45 86 46 or +33(0)2 31 40 02
  • Location: 4th floor ‘Consultations et Ateliers’ (on your left as you leave the lift)


The social work department intervenes in favour of patients cared for at the centre and their family circle at all stages of the care path. Disease can lead to social and financial difficulties. Family life, professional life and social relations can be affected. Social workers look for the most appropriate solutions, with patients and their close circle.

Service offer

The social work department proposes individual or family consultations covering:

  • Any social-related problem
  • Organisation of hospital discharge
  • Implementing home help
  • Assistance in returning to work

The team

  • Anne-Pauline Le Roux, social worker
  • Cécilia Lesueur, social worker
  • Emmanuelle Rineau, social worker
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