
Home Care offer Physiotherapy
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  • Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
  • Telephone: +33(0)2 31 45 40 02
  • Location: 4th floor ‘Consultations et Ateliers’ (on your left when you leave the lift)


The centre’s team of physiotherapists looks after hospitalised patients, in order to:

  • The maintain and optimise their physical condition,
  • To limit the loss of autonomy generated by hospitalisation,
  • To manage pain,
  • The optimise their return home,
  • To assess autonomy.

The team also provides specific external consultations for patients treated for breast cancer or maxillo-facial cancer.

Healthcare offer

At the centre, 3 physiotherapists intervene, upon medical prescription, in:

  • The different services at the centre,
  • Outpatient supportive care consultations,
  • The Intermediate Care Unit (IMC) for immediate care after surgery,
  • The patient’s room.

The team

  • Lucile Vernier, physiotherapist
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