Therapeutic patient education

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How to cope with your disease and its treatment

Outpatient consultations

Consultations are exclusively by prior appointment.


  • Opening hours: from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
  • Telephone: +33(0)2 31 45 40 02
  • Location: 4th floor ‘Consultations et Ateliers’ (on your left as you leave the lift)


The therapeutic patient education team proposes workshops to accompany you, individually or in groups, depending on your specific needs and wishes.

A range of different therapeutic education programmes are available at the Centre François Baclesse.

Healthcare offer

PRETORA = Therapeutic patient education for patients receiving oral chemotherapy

This programme is not only proposed within the Centre François Baclesse, it can also be deployed close to home.

You can contact the regional association in charge of organising therapeutic patient education:

Planeth Patient: Tel. +33(0)2 61 53 50 20 E-mail: Website:

EFFADOL = Therapeutic patient education for patients with cancer-related pain

This programme concerns patients presenting with specific pain associated with cancer and its treatment. It includes 3 workshops:

  • Understanding the different types of pain, together with medicinal and non-medicinal treatment,
  • Playing an active role (managing side effects, resuming personal autonomy, etc.)
  • Improving life, every day, with pain.

The programme can be deployed at the Centre François Baclesse or in partner establishments.

PETAL = Therapeutic patient education programme aimed at improving the quality of life of natural caregivers and patients having undergone total laryngectomy

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