Interdisciplinary research unit for the prevention and treatment of cancer

The team
- Director: Prof. Guy Launoy (CHU – Caen)
- Deputy director:Laurent Poulain (Centre François Baclesse)
Through daily interaction with CHU and CFB practitioners, the ANTICIPE unit reunites around 100 professionals.
Research activity
The Anticipe (Inserm U1086) unit develops fundamental and applied research aimed at proposing the best adapted cancer prevention and treatment strategies for individuals and their environment.
Research work developed by the ANTICIPE unit is organised around two main themes: ‘Cancer & Prevention’ and ‘Biology and Innovative Therapies for Locally Aggressive Cancers (BioTICLA)’. It relies on a vast range of research tools, specifically developed by the team: general population cohort (AGRICAN), cancer registries, national methodological platform for the study of social inequalities in health, ‘Cancer and Cognition’ platform, together with several platforms that are part of the ICORE federative university structure, including a high-throughput impedance measurement platform.
The aim of the multidisciplinary research conducted within the unit is, in particular, to improve cancer prevention in agricultural settings, to improve colorectal and breast cancer screening, to improve the prevention of cognitive disorders associated with cancer treatment, and to improve therapeutic care for women presenting with resistant ovarian cancer. The team also proposes programmes to reduce social and territorial inequalities in cancer prevention and treatment.
‘Cancer & Prevention’ theme
The general aim of this team is to improve knowledge on individual and collective factors that determine the onset, the care and the prognosis of cancer. All studies aim to improve cancer prevention and screening, together with patient care and quality of life.
The ‘Cancer & Prevention’ team is organised around 4 specific research topics:
- Professional and environmental risk factors for cancer, with particular focus on asbestos and pesticide exposure
- Cancer screening, with particular focus on colorectal, lung and prostate cancer
- Quality of life in cancer patients, with particular focus on cognitive function
- Social inequalities in cancer risk and cancer patient survival
Location: The ‘Cancer & Prevention’ team is housed within the main building of the Centre François Baclesse, 2nd floor west.
Biology and Innovative Therapies for Locally Aggressive Cancers (BioTICLA) theme
The BioTICLA team reunites thirty professionals from a variety of professional backgrounds (University, Centre François Baclesse, CHU, Inserm, CNRS) and specialities (researchers, lecturer-researchers, onologists, nuclear physicians, pathologists, pharmacists/biologists, engineers, technicians, animal caretakers, secretary, etc.) whose efforts are coordinated in a pluridisciplinary manner around the unit’s research theme: therapeutic innovation for ovarian cancer care.
The unit is structured around two themes, focusing on the central question of resistance to treatment:
- pharmacological modulation of apoptosis control pathways
- study of the role of non-coding RNA in response to treatment
Location: The BioTICLA unit is housed within the ground floor and the garden level of the exterior research building. The main entrance is located opposite the CHU’s FEH building.